
Platforms:Microsoft Windows, Cloud-based/web, Android, Windows Phone, iOS, BlackBerry, Raspberry Pi (Win IoT), Arduino, Xbox (XNA game studio), more.
Environments:Desktop PC, Cloud-based, p2p, client-server, Server-Server, Replicated/Scalar, PPP, Touch-screen, Phone, IoT devices, Wearables, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.
Language(s) Available:Any/All/Multi-language
Programming Languages:VB.NET, C#, C/C++, Object-Oriented PHP, ASP.NET, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Dynamics NAV/Navision, Xamarin, etc.
DevOps:Online project management with client-portal access, live and offline project-related messageboard, automated bug reporting, alpha-beta-gamma testing prior to release, recursive backups, multiple off-site servers, full quality control checks and measures.
Code Commenting:Every block is commented, every method name is written in Ascii-Art block lettering
Testing:Alpha, Beta, Gamma to release. Penetration testing available: SQL injection, packet sniffing, password cracking, vulnerability testing before roll-out.
Hourly Rate:$145 - $256 per billable hour (depending on the job)

LOGIC NINE is a full-service software engineering firm. We have the expertise and proven track record to turn even the most complex of concepts into reality, on time, and within budget.

We will take your concept or idea, regardless of how much thought has been put into the actual inner-working procedures and transform it into a well-oiled machine.

We put care and thought into every line of code, and we code every line by hand instead of using 3d party frameworks which break down over time. The quality of our code is designed to run reliably until the systems they are on become obsolete.